'Olivia is hugely knowledgeable and incredibly helpful, so that if you expressed a specific outcome you wanted from the course she'd check in that you had achieved
that or were well on the way.'
Why she should run a course for you: she is an award-winning medical journalist and editor who has more than 35
years experience which gives her added credibility. She has worked for the UK national press, mainly the Times, the Independent and the Observer and has also spent some
years writing for and editing magazines, most recently The Pharmaceutical Journal. She has written one book – The Divorce Handbook (1993) – co-authored with family lawyer Fiona Shackleton and also
launched medical research charity START (Skin Treatment and Research Trust) based at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital in
offered: In 2020, in response to the pandemic, she has adapted the workshops so they can be delivered as interactive webinars via Zoom or Webex. Instead of being delivered in person in
one day, the content is spread over three two-hour sessions.
Clients include: University of Cambridge, Department of Life Sciences and Department of Physical Sciences and Technology; Greater London Authority; various NHS Trusts;
and a range of charities. She is a former tutor for the Guardian Masterclasses programme. She also offers one-on-one support.
online and anywhere in the UK, Europe or further afield.
Qualifications: MA (Cambridge University)